Friday, September 16, 2005


M$ creating sloppy software

To be extended

Monday, September 05, 2005


crash source file list (to be extended)

XPSP2_CRASH_FILE_COLLECT - All these files cause cancellation of XPSP2 install and reverting to SP1


1) xmlp_wp.xd_ (xmlp_wp.xdr) WireLessSetup
2) plylst9.wp_
3) icwhelp.dll
4) FP4AVNB.dll

1) "Can't copy the xmlp_wp.xd_" during Windows XP SP2 installation"
2) "Can't copy the plylst9.wp_" during Windows XP SP2 installation"

Some "minor" sideeffect is that the install/uninstall procedure leaves orphaned files behind. This way the free space on your HDD shrinks after each unsuccessful attempt to install XPSP2.


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